Lisbon High School Class of 2012 Project Grad Fundraisers Offer Something for Everyone!
High School Seniors (pictured l-r) Amy Law and Lindsey Whitney are busy
planning fundraising events for the benefit of the Class of 2012
project graduation.
– Members of the Class of 2012 at Lisbon High School are geared up with
fundraisers for their project graduation. Students are offering
something for everyone with the variety of projects planned for the next
few weeks. Students are selling pizza cards for $10.00 each offering
16 buy one get one free coupons valid through 2013. Contact Mrs. Karen
Whitney, Lindsey Whitney, Mrs. Strout, Angel Strout, Ginny Tolbert,
Devon Brewer or Mrs. Lorraine Bard in the LHS guidance office to
purchase cards and support the class.
are hosting a prom dress sale and fashion show on Saturday, April 1 at
MTM Center in Lisbon Falls. If you have a dress you would like to
donate, contributions may be dropped off in the LHS Guidance office or
by contacting Mrs. Strout or Mrs. Whitney. If you would like to be a
part of the fashion show let us know.
On Wednesday, April 11 students will be sponsoring a Pot Luck dinner at the LHS cafe and need food donations.
A roller skating fundraiser at the Roller skating rink in Topsham is planned for Tuesday, April 17 from 6 to 8 p.m.
FMI Mrs. Strout 353-6279 or Mrs. Whitney 353-5321. Visit us on Facebook Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.